Posts by Rutor

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Minimum system requirements? (Message 197)
Posted 4 Oct 2011 by Rutor
Hi Yoyo,

after restarting, elapsed computing time dropped from real 24 hours down to 22, 6 and 4 hours. Four hours later, first workunit ended with computing error, the others are canceled by the project.
I use a Q6600@2.4GHz running fine with a lot of projects, including Yoyo@home :-) and very demanding PG.
It also worked fine with the first Yafu workunits beginning of September, but now output goes down to 0 due to computing error or missing of deadline.

Best regards,
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Minimum system requirements? (Message 187)
Posted 2 Oct 2011 by Rutor
Hello Yoyo,

thank you for your very fast reply even on Sunday.
To be able to make information of your message happen, did you have checkpointing included in Yafu application?
If I restart C100 workunits now, additional 24 hours deadline will be passed in 9 hours. Do I have a chance to finish in time or is variance of runtimes too high for prediction?

Best regards,
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Minimum system requirements? (Message 185)
Posted 2 Oct 2011 by Rutor

currently I have three C100 workunit on my Q6600, started immediately after download and still running after 24 hours non stop. Today I heard the flushing sound of deadlines passing by, resulting in waste of 72 hours of CPU time, that could be better used for other projects.

It is understandable, quick results on fast machines are very much appreciated by any project. But it would be fair putting an easy to find information for volunteers about Minimum System Requirements on your web site.

Please keep in mind, volunteers with older systems today are those with new systems tomorrow, and they will not return to Yafu if treated like this.

Best regards,

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