Posts by Gibson Praise

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Work unit 1553010 - truly useless (Message 1108)
Posted 8 Feb 2018 by Profile Gibson Praise
no idea why it aborted. It was nicly running the nfs phase and the host has enough ram and disk.

Dang! I was hoping for a silver bullet!

The other unit finished just fine as it turned out. I will try some more units and hope that this one was just one of those wtf?s.

Thank you for looking!

2) Message boards : Number crunching : Work unit 1553010 - truly useless (Message 1106)
Posted 7 Feb 2018 by Profile Gibson Praise
This 8t task ran itself up to 100%, stayed there for hours and then errored out.

Any ideas why? It's twin has been doing the same and I can only presume it will also error at some point ..

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