Message boards :
Number crunching :
is there a secret to getting 16T and 32T tasks?
(Message 1790)
Posted 10 Sep 2024 by Technik007[CZ] Post: There is no secret to getting these tasks. You just need to have available for crunching a minimum number of cores that the task is asking for. If you have available 15cores of your CPU you can get up to 8c tasks which will run using 15threads unless you set the lower limit of threads in settings. But if you will change it to a higher number it will not change anything in this case. |
Questions and Answers :
Getting started :
Benefit of computing multithreaded over small tasks
(Message 1714)
Posted 3 Apr 2023 by Technik007[CZ] Post: What actually credit depends on? Run time or CPU time? Or semething else. Is it any benefit coming from crunching multithreaded tasks eg 1*32T vs 4*8T in terms of processing time and credit gained? |
Questions and Answers :
Wish list :
Yafu threads
(Message 1652)
Posted 29 Sep 2022 by Technik007[CZ] Post: I have 32 logical cores cpu nad had 2 yafu task running 8cpu + 8cpu so half of cores were not utilized. Selected to receive YAFU-16t tasks and I got one YAFU-16t waiting to run on 32 cores ! Wunderfull. So I had to delete that task, set usage limits to 50% in boinc manager preferences and ask for task again and then set it back 100%. Hopefully I got what I wanted and my cpu was 100% utilized (not most of time of course but sheduled to). But I don't uderstand why yafu scheduller selects cores this way. Simillary I cannot choose in yafu project preferences cpu limit higher than 8 cores what is quite outdated and I have always got 3*8cpus tasks on 32cores cpu. And nothing more when cpu limit is set to 8cpus. |