YAFU running with GPU's

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Message 1535 - Posted: 10 Oct 2020, 18:18:45 UTC
Last modified: 10 Oct 2020, 18:22:52 UTC

I'm running 4 GPU's
3-RX480's (collatz) and
1 motherboard GPU (Einstein) also WUprop and iThena non-intensive cpu
Boinc Mgr states each RX480 is using 0.994 CPU and the motherboard CPU is using 1.0.
YAFU runs 4T and 8T workunits at the same time the GPU's are running. Does this affect the processing in anyway?
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Message 1547 - Posted: 23 Dec 2020, 16:09:11 UTC - in response to Message 1535.  

I'm running 4 GPU's
3-RX480's (collatz) and
1 motherboard GPU (Einstein) also WUprop and iThena non-intensive cpu
Boinc Mgr states each RX480 is using 0.994 CPU and the motherboard CPU is using 1.0.
YAFU runs 4T and 8T workunits at the same time the GPU's are running. Does this affect the processing in anyway?

Maybe, it depends on your machine and how the Collatz and Einstein apps deal with your 480's, some gpu's require a cpu core free for each gpu so they can run at their max of they are limited while others do not. The best thing to do is run a few cpu units using all the cpu cores and track the time used to crunch the gpu tasks, then suspend all the cpu tasks and track the time to run some gpu tasks again...which way is it faster. Since gpu tasks do over 10 times the work cpu's do it's better to optimize them and limit the cpu tasks. And THAT is why people end up with muplitple pc's, people hate to slow down so you get more pc's spread the gpu's out into separate machines and bang out a bunch of both.
ID: 1547 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Message boards : Number crunching : YAFU running with GPU's

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