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How are the credits awarded?
(Message 1734)
Posted 15 Aug 2023 by ![]() Post: I was wondering what is the amount of credits awarded per completed task based on? This project uses the in-built BOINC crediting system called CreditNew. Unfortunately it does not work that well. It is supposed to learn as you return work what to award based on some inbuilt system. I find that it really can't handle and work out Multi-threaded work units (on any project), it seems to get confused and award credits for single thread work instead. I have had work units run for a combined 500,000+ seconds and get a few hundred points, which is disappointing. And then I have similar size work units give a few thousand points so it is not consistent which is the main fault of the system. But it is what we have unless it is bi-passed as a number of other projects have done. That is my take on it. Conan |
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Number crunching :
Slower and slower, then sticks at 100%
(Message 1378)
Posted 19 Mar 2019 by ![]() Post: You can oder them by time stamp and see which files are updating. OK, thanks yoyo, but the only date stamp in the factor.log file is the original setup date and time, nothing has been added since the 16/3/19. Even though it is using all 6 cores and has now reached over 49 Hours, I am going to abort it as it is not doing anything apparently, at least by the log file info anyway. Sorry but this will have to be re-issued. Conan |
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Number crunching :
Slower and slower, then sticks at 100%
(Message 1376)
Posted 19 Mar 2019 by ![]() Post: If the files in the slot are still updating and still consuming CPU, than the jobs are still running. Which files should be updating? I have a small composite WU that has over 41 hours up now, using all 6 cores, but can't see any file that has updated in the Slot directory since the WU started. Conan |
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Number crunching :
Tasks won't finish...
(Message 1338)
Posted 19 Dec 2018 by ![]() Post: Last night I had to abort a work unit (the first for me I think), as it had stopped doing anything. This WU had been running for nearly 3 days, when I checked the task manager it showed it as being "Stopped" (both java and yafu were in this condition). I suspended then restarted the work unit but it did the same thing and went back to "stopped". It had been holding up 4 cores (of a 4 core machine) for 251,709 seconds but had only had 32,392 CPU seconds of work. The Slot showed no activity. Conan |
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Number crunching :
Now I leave definitively this bullshit project.
(Message 1302)
Posted 23 Nov 2018 by ![]() Post: Could this be some sort of Windows or Windows 10 error? CoolAtchOk has Windows systems, I have Linux, I have not seem any evidence of freezing taking place. His computers are much larger than mine and he says running single WUs or multiple work units at once makes no difference. I don't see any errors related to failed work units so they must all complete somehow. I only run one WU at a time, the only thing I have noticed is that the multithreaded work units often seem to only use a single core but hold all cores (going on final times reported with run time and cpu time the same). Could this be an issue with Windows not able to get any cpu time for other things it needs to do (basic house keeping), or perhaps it is a memory issue with it being tied up by the WU and not released so Windows can use it. Not sure about marsinph, don't know if he is using Windows or Linux, if Windows I don't know if Windows 10 or not. I know I am not really helping but offered help no matter how poor can still be of some help, sometimes. Conan |
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News :
Badges! We have badges.
(Message 1259)
Posted 13 Oct 2018 by ![]() Post: Thank you for the badges yoyo, and the design is great. Unfortunately I have not earned any of the badges I have been awarded. I don't have 50M in Yafu, or 100M in 16t, or 1B in overall. It would be nice but I am not there yet. No one has earned the awarded levels as yet. But they do look good. Thanks Conan |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
4t CPU time less than run time?
(Message 987)
Posted 1 May 2017 by ![]() Post: Had this WU that used all 4 cores as a 4t WU should and ran for well over 12 hours but only the single core performance has been recorded. The work done should be 4 times what is shown. Conan |
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News :
yafu-16t single thread bug fixed
(Message 981)
Posted 23 Apr 2017 by ![]() Post: I am glad that a bug was found, should now take less than 2 weeks to finish a WU, hopefully just a day or two. Conan |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Yafu 16t
(Message 970)
Posted 8 Apr 2017 by ![]() Post: G'Day marmot, Anyone know how to get these things to use more than 1 core? 4t and 8t work fine but 16t does not. Conan |
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Number crunching :
Yafu 16t
(Message 969)
Posted 7 Apr 2017 by ![]() Post: G'Day marmot, Have to take back the bit about not ever having an app_config.xml file as I copied one earlier in this thread, but it seems to have not worked and I no longer have it. Other projects don't need one so why here? I have another 16t download, again only using a single core. Conan |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Yafu 16t
(Message 968)
Posted 7 Apr 2017 by ![]() Post: G'Day marmot, The work unit only ever ran on one cpu. This I know as the other 15 cpu's were all running other projects and did so for the nearly 2 weeks that the work unit ran. I don't have an "app_config.xml" file, don't recall ever having one or ever creating one, for any project (also not too sure what to put in one either, even using the wiki as a guide). The 16t work units have run OK on this computer before but the last 2 that have run have both only used a single core. Originally only 1 cpu core was used till I changed "cc_config.xml" to use all 16 then things ran OK for awhile. 4t and 8t work units run without issue and use the required number of cores (can't recall if normal YAFU uses all 16 cores or not, as it has been awhile since I have had one). Conan |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Yafu 16t
(Message 966)
Posted 2 Apr 2017 by ![]() Post: I have another 16t work unit and it also is running on just the single core (over 3 days so far). This one finally finished after about 13 days WU 728864. Again it ran just in single mode and would not use all the available cores. Conan |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Yafu 16t
(Message 962)
Posted 23 Mar 2017 by ![]() Post: I have another 16t work unit and it also is running on just the single core (over 3 days so far). I run Amicable Numbers and it runs on the number of cores set for it (was 16 but have reduced to 8). When running Milkyway it also uses the full 16 cores. So I don't know why YAFU wont use the cores I have, nothing is at high priority which usually will stop a "mt" WU from running. It is only the 16t wu's as the 8t and 4t work units on this host run the required number of cores. Conan |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Yafu 16t
(Message 935)
Posted 21 Feb 2017 by ![]() Post: Just finished this 16t work unit after 14 days WU 715200 It ran the whole time in single CPU mode and would not switch to to use 16 cores, which is why it took so long. Conan |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Yafu 16t
(Message 908)
Posted 17 Nov 2016 by ![]() Post:
Well the work unit finished after a run time of 335205 seconds and a cpu time of 874320.70 seconds. This says it ran for 93 hours and received 2096 credits. As it did not run this long when I finally got all the cores working on the problem it must of been adding up all the time it ran when using only a single core, which was about 30 hours then restart, 30 hours then restart and finally another 30 hours with all cores. As such the credit turned out to be miserable at just 2 cr/h counting the CPU time and 22 cr/h counting the RUN time. I will see how the second work unit runs using all cores from the start, hopefully a bit beter run time and therefore credit. Conan |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Yafu 16t
(Message 907)
Posted 16 Nov 2016 by ![]() Post: My two 16t work units are using just a single core each. After almost 20.5 hours the WU is now at a bit over 16.5%. So progressing along but it is going to take at least 100 hours to finish this, they are long work units. What is the normal run time for these 16t's? Conan |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Yafu 16t
(Message 906)
Posted 16 Nov 2016 by ![]() Post: My two 16t work units are using just a single core each. Well that QMC job was telling fibs, it said it was at 33% but it was not, when it passed 34 hours run time it moved to 1% completed. With that first checkpoint I have been able to restart BOINC Client and it has read the app_config.xml from firstomega and is now running multiple cores as it should of been doing in the first place. After 21 min 11 sec it has moved to 0.312% completed, so we will see how it goes (it restarted again from 0.00 after the BOINC restart). Conan |
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bootstrap style
(Message 905)
Posted 15 Nov 2016 by ![]() Post: In the boinc server a bootstrap style is currently under development. For test purposes I deployed it here in yafu, just to see how it looks like. Seems to have full functionality from what I have seen and used so far. Conan |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Yafu 16t
(Message 904)
Posted 15 Nov 2016 by ![]() Post: My two 16t work units are using just a single core each. I did tell BOINC that I had 16 cores but in a cc_config.xml file but this made no difference. I have just added the app_config.xml file posted above. However I am unable to restart BOINC Client at this stage to make it read the file due to me running a QMC work unit. Despite it having checkpointing, this appears to not be working as it will start from 0.00 if I stop BOINC for any reason. It is currently at 33 hours with around 50 still to go so I will have to wait. The yafu work units also went back to 0.00 along with the QMC WU when my PSU gave a loud POP and started issuing smoke 2 days ago. They are also at 33 hours and about a quarter done. Conan |
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https access
(Message 815)
Posted 9 Mar 2016 by ![]() Post: Hmm, bad. Thank you for the quick responses Yoyo. I tried again with just the http:// and was able to connect to the server and attach my computer. It has downloaded all project files and also a new work unit. Thanks again for your help. Conan |