Posts by bcavnaugh

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Slower and slower, then sticks at 100% (Message 1105)
Posted 4 Feb 2018 by Profile bcavnaugh
Thank you,
I will give them a few more days.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Slower and slower, then sticks at 100% (Message 1102)
Posted 3 Feb 2018 by Profile bcavnaugh
So I should let the below tasks run or abort them, going on a week running now?
Seems a lot of waste of power for such a Long time for this.
My Cost is now what I am looking at because the two computer are really doing nothing.

2 Each YAFU-16t v134.05 (16t) windows_x86_64 going on 6 Days now
99.99% 1 second left resets to 99.98% back to 1 Second left on one task for 4 Days now
99,94% 23 Seconds left resets the same and been doing this for over 3 Days now

1 Each YAFU-8t v134.05 (8t) windows_x86_64 going on 4 Days 11 hours now
99.99% 3 seconds left reset to 99.98% back to 3 seconds left and this has been going on for 3 days now.

Thank you
3) Message boards : Number crunching : How do I get YAFU to stop sending me tasks that use up 100% of my cores? (Message 1101)
Posted 28 Jan 2018 by Profile bcavnaugh
While the below works I still can only get 2 Tasks to run even through I have 56 Threads run between to CPU's
<cmdline>-t 12</cmdline>
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Slower and slower, then sticks at 100% (Message 1089)
Posted 9 Dec 2017 by Profile bcavnaugh
Let them run.
The progress indicator and remaining time is some kind of artificial intelligence of the BOINC client. The yafu application itself deosn't has any progress indication.
You will get credits up to 10 days after the deadline.

So even at 100% for 20+ Hours allow them to Complete?

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