scole of TSBT

User ID 14305
YAFU member since 25 Sep 2014
Country Anguilla
Total credit 82,665,796
Recent average credit 0.10
yafu small credit 4,145,895 total, 224.85 average (18561 tasks)
yafu credit 34,680,535 total, 325,194.27 average (21156 tasks)
yafu 4t credit 7,337,547 total, 171,403.76 average (3733 tasks)
yafu 8t credit 5,557,038 total, 289,566.53 average (1250 tasks)
yafu 16t credit 3,660,560 total, 196,312.25 average (542 tasks)
yafu 32t credit 404,023 total, 287.63 average (65 tasks)
yafu 64t credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
yafu 128t credit 0 total, 0.00 average (0 tasks)
Computers hidden
Team The Scottish Boinc Team
Message boards 2 posts

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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 0:13:37 UTC