Task reruns after finishing

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New Zealand
Message 995 - Posted: 13 May 2017, 2:22:14 UTC


Recently one of my 8t task kind of hanged my machine and forced me for restart the manager. However I waited the the task to complete (but it failed to submit it). Here are the last few lines of the factor file:

05/13/17 12:33:13 v1.34.5 @ REMI-N, nfs: raising min_rels by 5.00 percent to 11320758
05/13/17 12:33:13 v1.34.5 @ REMI-N, nfs: commencing lattice sieving with 8 threads
05/13/17 12:43:57 v1.34.5 @ REMI-N, nfs: commencing lattice sieving with 8 threads
05/13/17 12:52:23 v1.34.5 @ REMI-N, nfs: commencing lattice sieving with 8 threads
05/13/17 13:00:43 v1.34.5 @ REMI-N, nfs: commencing lattice sieving with 8 threads
05/13/17 13:09:37 v1.34.5 @ REMI-N, nfs: commencing msieve filtering
05/13/17 13:13:23 v1.34.5 @ REMI-N, nfs: commencing msieve linear algebra
05/13/17 13:44:18 v1.34.5 @ REMI-N, nfs: commencing msieve sqrt
05/13/17 14:01:32 v1.34.5 @ REMI-N, prp76 = 1089166811196532289855261540103998746537161103288818992879418747458942383217
05/13/17 14:01:32 v1.34.5 @ REMI-N, prp50 = 56776958843214016172259292138564062174520464953027
05/13/17 14:01:32 v1.34.5 @ REMI-N, NFS elapsed time = 55884.8434 seconds.
05/13/17 14:01:32 v1.34.5 @ REMI-N,
05/13/17 14:01:32 v1.34.5 @ REMI-N,
05/13/17 14:01:32 v1.34.5 @ REMI-N, Total factoring time = 61170.5279 seconds

That indicates that the number concerned can be factorized as


which is indeed true by checking it manually.

When I restarted the manager, the task restarted halfway (which always happens to me), but I do not want to rerun the task as this is a waste of resources as the factorization is all we want and we have it already.

I know this is a bit suspicious because it is impossible to determine whether the CPU time is true for the above log (I swear it to be true), but can I simply abort the task but still get credit for it?

I have the complete stderr and factor log, and hopefully the other files are not destroyed by restarting the calculation.
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Message boards : Number crunching : Task reruns after finishing

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