User Profiles - Names beginning with D: Page 1 of 2

Last updated 21 Dec 2024, 12:45:04 UTC

DoctorNow ("Hi! I`m Dirk from the almost world-famous village Beuern near Giessen in...")
DrBob ("God bless the United States of America")
Dude&Stargazer ("Ich bin Thomas alias Dude vom ")
Duke of Buckingham SETI.USA ("Não vale a pena olhar para o céu com muita fé e pouca luta.")
Dan Sargent ("“On March 24, 2005, Team SETI.USA was created to consolidate United States users and...")
Dingo ("I am an Aussie born in Canada over sixty years ago, lived in Australia most of my life,...")
Darius ("..the tendecy is to push it as far as you can.. ")
Dario666 ("I am Dario666 from Poland and I compute for team BOINC@Poland ")
Dunuin ("I'm Björn and was born in Hamburg (Germany) in 1986 where I'm currently living. Apart...")
Doc_Gonzo ("I'm a 47 year old guy from the UK and I run BOINC for team")

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