User Profiles - Names beginning with S: Page 1 of 3

Last updated 21 Dec 2024, 12:45:04 UTC

Shann ("Juste pour pouvoir être UotD... Just to be UotD...")
Sysadm@Nbg ("cogito ergo sum sagt mein Computer, und damit er was zu denken hat crunche ich - a...")
stregus ("Ich habe einen unwiderstehlichen Drang bei der Teilnahme an allen BOINC Projekten. Das ist...")
sdl* ("Survived twenty years of military duty working with Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment...")
scott safford* ("50 year old construction worker with a bad computer habit")
silent Float ("^^ ^^^ ^^^^^")
shiva ("Hello I'm Rick I live in western Kansas about 60 miles from the center of the USA. I'm a...")
Stony666 ("Stolzes Mitglied des Grünen Planeten! Ich lebe in der Nähe von Frankfurt Ich...")
STMahlberg ("I'm 53 years old, father of two daughters, who lives in Las Vegas, Nevada; I worked as an...")

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